Litecene: Full-Text Search for Google BigQuery

I just released the first beta version of litecene, a Java library that implements a common boolean search syntax for full-text search, with its first transpiler for BigQuery.

Litecene makes Searching Text in BigQuery Easy!

Litecene Syntax

Litecene uses a simple, user-friendly syntax that is derived from Lucene query syntax that should be familiar to most users. It includes clauses for term with wildcard, phrase with proximity, AND, OR, NOT, and grouping.

As an example, this might be a good Litecene query to identify social media posts talking about common ways people user their smartphones:

(smartphone OR "smart phone" OR iphone OR "apple phone" OR android OR "google phone" OR "windows phone" OR "phone app"~8) AND (call* OR dial* OR app OR surf* OR brows* OR camera* OR pic* OR selfie)

The syntax is documented in more detail here.

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