Apache HTTPComponents HTTP Header Names are Case Insensitive

The source code never lies.

     * Gets all of the headers with the given name.  The returned array
     * maintains the relative order in which the headers were added.
     * <p>Header name comparison is case insensitive.
     * @param name the name of the header(s) to get
     * @return an array of length &ge; 0
    public Header[] getHeaders(final String name) {
        List<Header> headersFound = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.headers.size(); i++) {
            final Header header = this.headers.get(i);
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                if (headersFound == null) {
                    headersFound = new ArrayList<>();
        return headersFound != null ? headersFound.toArray(EMPTY) : EMPTY;

Validating WebFlow Webhook Requests in AWS Lambda and Python

WebFlow is an outstanding website design, development, and hosting platform. The WebFlow API provides webhooks for a variety of important events, and it signs its webhook requests to allow users to validate webhook requests, and therefore confirm that requests actually come from WebFlow.

The below code sample shows how to verify WebFlow webhook requests in AWS Lambda functions using Python invoked via a Function URL, although the code will show the principles for validating requests in any language or platform.

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