AWS Step Functions Distributed Map ResultWriter Example

I’m using AWS Step Functions to do some complex orchestration of services that could span more than 25,000 state transitions and exchange data sets larger than 256KB, so I’m making heavy use of the new distributed map feature. It definitely makes things easier than the old everything-is-a-child-execution approach! However, the ResultWriter field is not particularly well-documented, so I’m hoping to shed some light on it here with a simple example.

Simple Example Step Function
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Community-Managed OpenAPI Spec for Pinecone API

The excellent vector database Pinecone has a very useful API, but client support is sparse. While the API and its clients are in theory based off of an OpenAPI specno one seems to be able to find it.

But I needed an OpenAPI spec for the API, so I reverse engineered one (read: copy and pasted from the documentation).

It is very new and so should be considered very experimental. If you use it and find a bug, please open an issue, or even better submit a pull request!

Community-Managed AWS Lambda Base Images for Java 20

I’ve added a new custom base image for Java 20 on Lambda to complement the community base images already available for Java 17, Java 18, and Java 19. You can find the images on the ECR Public Gallery and DockerHub and the source code on GitHub. All the new features in Java 20 are in preview or incubator, as befits a non-LTS release, but for those who like to live life on the bleeding edge, there’s lots of new toys to play with. These base images will let you get started.

Continue reading “Community-Managed AWS Lambda Base Images for Java 20”

Adding Code Blocks with Syntax Highlighting to WebFlow

EDIT: WebFlow now supports Code Blocks out of the box! However, it only supports them in Pages, not in CMS Collection Entries, so it’s not a total solution. This article’s approach works in CMS Collection Entries, so if you need code blocks there, read on!

I’m in the process of developing the marketing website for Arachnio. Being an API product, I need to embed code in some of the site’s pages and blog posts. The website is built on WebFlow, which I have found to be generally outstanding, but it does not support inline code or code blocks out of the box. Here’s how I got code blocks with syntax highlighting working in WebFlow.

Continue reading “Adding Code Blocks with Syntax Highlighting to WebFlow”

BigQuery RegExp for Matching Single Emoji

If anyone needs a regular expression for matching single Emoji in BigQuery/RE2, this is a good place to start:


Inspired by zly394/EmojiRegex on GitHub.

Community-Managed AWS Lambda Base Images for Java 18

I’ve added a new custom base image for Java 18 on Lambda to complement the community Java 17 base images already available. You can find the images on the ECR Public Gallery and DockerHub and the source code on GitHub. If you’ve been waiting to adopt Java 18 until there was Lambda support, then these base images will let you get started.

Continue reading “Community-Managed AWS Lambda Base Images for Java 18”

Announcing My First Commercial API,!

I’ve just released my first commercial API, It’s a simple thing, focusing on performing link unwinding and data extraction affordably at scale. It’s also dead simple to use.

Example usage

Check out the Free Forever plan to try it out yourself!